Cook Islands Seabed Minerals Authority
Runanga Takere Moana

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Posts in Letter to the editor
Letter: Can seabed mining fund a better future?

Dear Editor, More detail is required on where the marine mining windfall money will be spent.

I think a better case should have been made by the Government in explaining specifically, and in detail, where the windfall money from marine mining will be spent. The report could be set out showing where the money will be spent relative to the income earned from the mining in a graduated scale, say $100 million, $200m, $300m per annum, etc.

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Letter: ‘Beware of false prophets’

Dear Editor, Deep sea mining (DSM) is a controversial topic in our country at present.

We have Government and their supporters claiming through paid advertisements in this paper, social media posts, radio personalities paid by DSM companies, and so much more that everything is as it should be as they push forward without any thought of an alternative … that we MUST pursue this pathway if their paid scientists tell us, it will be okay. 

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Thomas Wynne: Addressing concerns and protecting our interests

To address potential concerns and further strengthen the protection of the Cook Islands’ interests, I have emailed the Seabed Minerals Authority (SBMA) the following additions or amendments to the draft seabed mining regulations.

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Letter: A call for political reform

Dear Editor, In an interview gathering exercise for a BBC podcast on seabed mining (SBM) over a week ago, I mentioned that we have disproportionate representation i.e. my one vote is worth about 10 Raro votes. You can see why government makes sure to buddy buddy with the pa enua.

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Letter: ‘It’s time we listened to the science’

I write with a heavy heart, disappointed by the narrow-mindedness I see in some of my fellow Cook Islanders when it comes to seabed minerals exploration.

Too many are quick to dismiss it without taking the time to understand the science behind it. We owe it to ourselves, our children, and future generations to take an informed approach. 

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Letter: SBMA ‘losing control’

I would like to speak as an environmentally concerned Cook Islander, hearing concerns raised by Dr Teina Rongo on Temu Okotai’s radio show yesterday morning (Monday).

I felt that our local Seabed Mining Authority is losing control of the situation.

They emphasised the unknown and confirmed life in the deep ocean, but I got the impression that they await more and more advantage findings.

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Letter: Nodules: ‘Our underwater Amazon’

I thank Ms Alex (Herman) for her reply to my previous letter regarding DSM (Deep Sea Mining) or SBM (Sea Bed Mining) which is what some are hoping to do in our EEZ.

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Letter: Deep sea mining consultation

Dear Editor, I recall a public consultation in Mauke. There were two motions for consideration.

The first motion YES for the completion of the ten years Precautionary Research still ongoing and NO to any actual DSM (deep sea mining) activities to begin. 

The second motion was NO to the ongoing ten years Precautionary Research and YES to the actual DSM activities to start up asap (as soon as possible). 

A few people spoke against DSM at that public consultation, but then it was concluded, by the Government officials that afternoon, that the majority agreed to the YES motion. The public meeting was over and the dinner provided was excellent, I must say. 

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