Cook Islands Seabed Minerals Authority
Runanga Takere Moana

News & Press Releases


You can read all the latest news and updates on the Cook Islands seabed minerals sector here.

Posts tagged Future Generations
Seabed Minerals Exploration Updates

We are committed to sustainably and responsibly developing our seabed minerals (SBM) sector for the benefit of our Cook Islands people. In line with the precautionary approach, any future decision on whether or not we will allow minerals harvesting to occur must be science based.

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Seabed mining exploration to continue for years following findings

Cook Islands Government through the Seabed Minerals Authority (SBMA) has revealed that the exploration of deep sea mining will continue for a few more years giving time for findings to be analysed and this will take months and years.

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Cook Islands may extend deep sea mining exploration

Cook Islands government will consider extending the exploration phase for deep-sea mining to gather more comprehensive data and ensure informed decision-making about the potential environmental impacts.

Prime Minister Mark Brown has revealed that there is a possibility of extending the exploration time frame beyond five years, depending on the satisfaction derived from the data and findings of the three companies conducting the exploration of the country’s seabed.

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Letter: Nodules: ‘Our underwater Amazon’

I thank Ms Alex (Herman) for her reply to my previous letter regarding DSM (Deep Sea Mining) or SBM (Sea Bed Mining) which is what some are hoping to do in our EEZ.

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