Cook Islands Seabed Minerals Authority
Runanga Takere Moana

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Letter: ‘Beware of false prophets’

Dear Editor, Deep sea mining (DSM) is a controversial topic in our country at present.

We have Government and their supporters claiming through paid advertisements in this paper, social media posts, radio personalities paid by DSM companies, and so much more that everything is as it should be as they push forward without any thought of an alternative … that we MUST pursue this pathway if their paid scientists tell us, it will be okay. 

We have DSM companies funding our community initiatives and cultural programmes, becoming ‘one of us’. This is a classic example of neo-colonialism. Check out the 14 May 2024 article “Trust funded by seabed mining company awards $78,500 in grants” if you need some evidence of what’s happening right in front of us while we are not paying much attention.

Anyone who raises any word of caution against DSM are said to be emotive and need to be better informed, scaremongering, delusional, and idiotic for not wanting to be ‘rich’ but wanting to remain ‘poor’. DSM supporters also claim they have the “Social License” to proceed with support from our three pillars of society: Government, our traditional leaders, and our religious leaders. From the side of caution, we can see what’s happening in plain sight and wonder why more people can’t see it?

It is so sad to see how we are all being manipulated as before we know what the science is telling us whether we can do this safely, we already have built the infrastructure to mine our deep sea and prepare to rake in our millions with the Sovereign Wealth Fund established. And yes, it is called mining. Not harvesting, not “resource recovery”, but mining.

It’s incredulous how the “God” argument pushed by certain religious leaders in our community is used to suit man’s greed and earthly desires … especially regarding exploitation and war. Let’s not forget history and the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition, for example.

More on history, it isn’t lost on us that as we are currently in the midst of our Cook Islands Games, our politicians are sliding through important legislation to exploit our seabed while our attentions are diverted. Almost like the gladiator days … entertain the masses and they won’t see when Rome was crumbling from within.  

Matthew 7:15 tells us: “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.”

God, our Creator, didn’t put man on this earth to ravage his creation. The word “dominion” did not give us the right to destroy. We were to be stewards of this place, looking over his masterpiece of Creation. Even when things were perfect in the Garden of Eden, we didn’t listen and consumed the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge – breaking the one rule God put out for man not to touch.  

Matthew 26:15 tells us the story of Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Eventually filled with remorse, he tried to return the coins. We can’t help but think if our politicians have sold the soul of our country for their pieces of silver? And when the damage is done, unfortunately remorse won’t fix the problem.

Daniel 2:21 tells us: “He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.”

We are inspired by the strength of those committed to conservation and the preservation of our indigenous and traditional ways of life, which bring immeasurable richness to our world. In fact, WE are the lucky ones! Daniel’s words remind us that everything has its season, and we embrace the hope and change that lies inevitably ahead for our Nation.

And times are changing. Our young one’s eyes are opening. Their moral compass is realigning despite the skewed moralities of their fathers teaching them otherwise. There will come a time where our people will RISE UP and stop this mindless development of consumption and exploitation of the true riches we have in our paradise.  

Te Atua te aro’a.

Eyes on Judas Iscariot
(Name and address supplied)