Cook Islands Seabed Minerals Authority
Runanga Takere Moana

News & Press Releases


You can read all the latest news and updates on the Cook Islands seabed minerals sector here.

Posts tagged Sustainable Resources
Seabed mining must be ‘commercially viable’ in order to proceed: PM Brown

Prime Minister Mark Brown has acknowledged economic concerns about seabed mining, emphasising that the government will only proceed with projects that are both commercially viable and environmentally sustainable.

Brown was responding to recent cautionary remarks from Australian economist Professor Christopher Flemming regarding the Cook Islands’ plans for seabed mining.

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Letter: Can seabed mining fund a better future?

Dear Editor, More detail is required on where the marine mining windfall money will be spent.

I think a better case should have been made by the Government in explaining specifically, and in detail, where the windfall money from marine mining will be spent. The report could be set out showing where the money will be spent relative to the income earned from the mining in a graduated scale, say $100 million, $200m, $300m per annum, etc.

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