Cook Islands Seabed Minerals Authority
Runanga Takere Moana

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Letter: SBMA ‘losing control’

I would like to speak as an environmentally concerned Cook Islander, hearing concerns raised by Dr Teina Rongo on Temu Okotai’s radio show yesterday morning (Monday).

I felt that our local Seabed Mining Authority is losing control of the situation.

They emphasised the unknown and confirmed life in the deep ocean, but I got the impression that they await more and more advantage findings.

They also await the completion of this present five-year exploration phase so that they can move to the exploitation phase i.e. mining.

Please can we make use of our own Cook Islands scientists available to do research that is more than just working out the value of the nodules they want to mine. How about scientists such as Dr Teina Rongo, Dr Anthony Vavia and Jackie Evans be paid to be part of the exploration phase?

It feels that this is being rushed, pushed along by outsiders, and this is where we will lose control.

The seabed authority say they have a checklist, but who’s checking this when they are out on the ocean reaping their benefit?


Lydia Tararo-Marsh

.Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion