Cook Islands Seabed Minerals Authority
Runanga Takere Moana

News & Press Releases


You can read all the latest news and updates on the Cook Islands seabed minerals sector here.

Research vessel Anuanua Moana welcomed to the Cook Islands

To mark the arrival of their research vessel, Anuanua Moana, license holder Moana Minerals hosted a blessing and naming ceremony at Avatiu harbour yesterday.

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Aitutaki supports seabed minerals exploration

Last week, a delegation led by Prime Minister Mark Brown visited Aitutaki to carry out consultations on the seabed minerals (SBM) sector. The public expressed generally strong support for the Government’s development of the sector, and the current Exploration Programme underway.

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‘We’re after the same thing’ – PM Brown reacts to NZ’s call for ban on seabed mining

As the New Zealand government moves towards a moratorium on deep sea mining in international waters, Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown claims both governments are actually after the same thing. Matthew Littlewood and Caleb Fotheringham report.

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