Cook Islands Seabed Minerals Authority
Runanga Takere Moana



Exploration Licence Granting Ceremony




Explainer & FAQ Videos

Photo Gallery

Our Ocean Conference

15 - 17 Apr 2024

UN Ocean Decade Conference

10 - 12 Apr 2024

ISA 29th session

18 - 29 Mar 2024

29th south pacific district council rarotonga

20 - 22 Dec 2023

US IVLP 2024

5 - 29 Mar 2024

Tereora college programME

14 Dec 2023

SMArtex 2024

28 Jan - 31 Mar 2024

Artex 2023

25 Nov 2023

Pacific Partnerships for Prosperity Pavilion

7 - 9 Nov 2023


21 Sept 2023

Pa Enua Leaders Forum

18 Sept 2023

PICOSOM Workshop Fiji 2023

11 - 15 Sept 2023

ISA 28th Session

10 - 28 Jul 2023

SBMA Technical Workshop 2023

28 Jun 2023


21 Jun 2023

STEM Careers DAy

2 Jun 2023

28th ISA Session Council Jamaica

16 - 31 Mar 2023

US safe summit 2023

28 - 29 Mar 2023

SBMA 10-Year dinner celebration

16 Mar 2023

SBMA onboard Anuanua Moana

4 Mar 2023

STCW Training Aitutaki

13 - 14 Feb 2023

moana minerals blessing ceremony of AMRV

2 Feb 2023

Biodiscovery day

9 Dec 2022

Deepend seminar aitutaki

5 - 7 Dec 2022

27th Session of ISA council jamaica

31 Oct - 11 Nov 2022

SBM Seminar Series USP Rarotonga

15 - 16 Sep 2022

STCW Training Rarotonga

12 Sep 2022

UN Ocean Conference

22 - 29 Jun 2022

CIC Seasurveyor Vessel Blessing

24 Jun 2022

careers expo

16 Jun 2022


8 Jun 2022

Exploration licencse granting ceremony

23 Feb 2022

World Ocean Day

8 Jun 2021

Careers expo

17 Jun 2021


22 Oct 2020



Nov 3 2020

Johnny Blades interviews the Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown on opening up parts of its waters for seabed mining exploration. Companies interested in conducting seabed exploration work in the Cooks have until December to put in expressions of interest.

Source: RNZ

Audio Block
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jun 30 2020

Deep Green CEO, Gerard Barron responds to comments made on the impacts of deep sea mining by Deep Sea Mining Campaigns spokesperson, Dr. Helen Rosenbaum.

Source: RNZ

oct 29 2020

Seabed Minerals Commissioner, Alex Herman talks to ABC Radio Australia about the exploration licensing process and explains governments plans for the seabed minerals sector. “Ms Herman said it is important for Cook Islanders to understand the prospect of harvesting…”

Source: ABC Radio Australia

Jun 16 2020

Don Wiseman interviews Seabed Minerals Commissioner Alex Herman on the Cook Island governments position on a proposed moratorium on seabed minerals activities.

Source: RNZ


Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Mining the deep sea, 2020

GSR Deep-sea Exploration - Building an environmental baseline, 2018

Other Videos

Last updated: May 2024