Cook Islands Seabed Minerals Authority - Marae Moana
Cook Islands Seabed Minerals Authority
Runanga Takere Moana
Marae Moana Title Block-min.png

Marae Moana

Marae Moana is a multi-use marine park which extends over the entire Exclusive Economic Zone of the Cook Islands, an area of 1.9 million square kilometres. Marae Moana was legally designated by the Marae Moana Act 2017 which has the primary purpose of protecting and conserving the ecological, biodiversity and heritage values of the Cook Islands marine environment.

Prime Minister, Henry Puna

Prime Minister, Henry Puna

“With the full support of my government, traditional leaders and local communities, as well as the past contributions by the present opposition, the Marine Park will provide the necessary framework to promote sustainable development by balancing economic growth interests such as tourism, fishing and deep-sea mining, with conserving core biodiversity and natural assets, in the ocean, reefs and islands,”

Henry Puna, PM

Marae Moana Council

Marae Moana Council

Marae Moana Council

Under Marae Moana there is a Council comprising of the Prime Minister, leader of the Opposition, President of the House of Ariki, northern and southern group representatives as well as leaders in the private, religious and NGO sectors of Cook Islands society.

The Council approves the Marae Moana policy and marine spatial plans amongst other things.

Marae Moana Technical Advisory Group

Marae Moana Technical Advisory Group

Marae Moana TAG

The Council is advised by the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) which is comprised of representatives from the Office of the Prime Minister, National Environment Service, Ministry of Marine Resources, Seabed Minerals Authority (Authority), Ministry of Transport, House of Ariki or Koutu Nui, and NGOs.

The TAG prepares the relevant instruments under Marae Moana including its policy and marine spatial plans.

There is also a Marae Moana Coordination Office that assists the Council and TAG in fulfilling their functions.

As a member of the TAG the Authority assists in the development of the relevant instruments.

Multi use marine park

Marae Moana is a multi-use marine park. This means that different types of activities can occur in the Marae Moana. This includes recreational, conservation, cultural and commercial activities.

There are also zones in the Mare Moana which determine what activities can and cannot take place. For example, in some zones commercial fishing and seabed mineral activities are not allowed.

SBM activities within Marae Moana

Seabed minerals activities can take place within Marae Moana as long as it is in line with the Marae Moana principles.

In particular, the Authority must ensure that seabed minerals activities apply the principles of ecologically sustainable use.

Ecologically sustainable use means conserving, using, enhancing, and developing the resources of the Marae Moana to enable people to provide for their social, economic, and cultural wellbeing, while—

·         maintaining the potential of those resources to meet future generations needs

·         avoiding, remedying, or mitigating any adverse effects of the use of those resources on the environment of the Marae Moana

Principles of ecologically sustainable use

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  • Protection, conservation, and restoration

  • Sustainable use to maximise benefits

  • Precautionary principle

  • Community participation

  • Transparency and accountability

  • Integrated management

  • Investigation and research

  • Ecosystem-based management

  • Sustainable financing

Marae Moana Zones

Marae Moana Zones

Marae Moana zones

Under Marae Moana there are various zones in which different types of activities can occur. For example, seabed mineral activities will only be allowed in the general use zone.

·         General use zone – commercial fishing and seabed mineral activities allowed in this zone

·         Restricted commercial fishing zone – no commercial fishing allowed in this zone

·         Seabed minerals activity buffer zone – no seabed minerals activities allowed in this zone

·         Island protection zone – no commercial fishing or seabed minerals activities allowed in this zone

·         Ocean habitat preservation zone – to protect sensitive and ecologically valuable habitats

·         National marine park zone – strict preservation of specific coral reef, coastal, and lagoon habitats.

Marine Spatial Plan

A marine spatial plan will be developed which establishes the zones in the Marae Moana.

As part of the marine spatial planning process the Authority has provided information on where seabed minerals activities are likely to occur.

Marae Moana marine spatial planning in Mitiaro, 2019.

Marae Moana marine spatial planning in Mitiaro, 2019.

SBM licensing process

SBM licensing process

SBM licensing process and Marae Moana

The Authority manages the licensing process for seabed mineral activities. These activities must be in line with Marae Moana.

Broadly speaking, how the licensing process works is:

·         An application is made

·         The Authority undertakes due diligence on the applicant

·         The Authority undertakes consultation

·         The Licensing Panel evaluates the application

·         A recommendation is made to the Minister to grant or decline the application

During the consultation stage the Authority must notify the Council and the TAG of the application.

No seabed mineral license can be granted over a marine protected area under the Marae Moana. 

To learn more about Marae Moana visit Marae Moana | Cook IslandsMarinePark Back to top>>>

 Last updated July 6 2020