Cook Islands Seabed Minerals Authority
Runanga Takere Moana

News & Press Releases


You can read all the latest news and updates on the Cook Islands seabed minerals sector here.

Promoting accurate and constructive dialogue

The media play an important role as a source of information for the public, which assists in educating and raising awareness on issues, such as SBM. “In order to develop a meaningful and constructive dialogue on this topic, it is fundamental that statements and positions are fairly and accurately recorded” said Herman.

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Constructive dialogue on seabed legislation

On June 23rd at the New Hope church, Tutakimoa, the Seabed Minerals Authority were pleased to present the SBM amendment bill 2020 to the public for consultation. The presentation covered the background of the SBM Act 2019 before focusing on the proposed amendments.

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Rima Browne
Submissions on mining the seabed close

There was overwhelming support from all sectors to explore our ocean for more knowledge, data and information, he said, to make the most informed decisions related to harvesting the minerals and improving the lives of Cook Islands people.

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Rima Browne
Seabed mining is 'greener'

“So a consequence of that is the demand for minerals associated with a low carbon economy that leads us to the question then of how these metals going to be sourced, if we are going to move to that low carbon economy.”

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Rima Browne