Cook Islands Seabed Minerals Authority
Runanga Takere Moana

News & Press Releases


You can read all the latest news and updates on the Cook Islands seabed minerals sector here.

Alex Herman: Seabed minerals: This is a long game – we have to do it right

OPINION: Deep-sea minerals aren’t all the same, and the tools used to harvest them are very different from one corner of the ocean to another. In Cook Islands, the focus is on environmental and economic sustainability – and that sets it apart from more harmful seabed mining practices, contends new Seabed Minerals Commissioner Alex Herman.

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New voyage for Cook Is exploration of deep-sea nodules

More deep sea research will be undertaken in Cook Island waters and Cook Islanders are right at the forefront of this next research survey. The team will be departing Rarotonga shores this December.

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More deep-sea research in Cook Island waters

More deep sea research is to be undertaken in Cook Island waters before the end of the 2019 year. Another company, Ocean Minerals Ltd (OML) who have reserved areas in the CI EEZ will be conducting similar research to that undertaken earlier this year. In addition OML will also collect biological samples from the sediment as well as conductivity, temperature and depth data. Cook Islanders will again be heavily involved in this upcoming research survey.

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