Cook Islands Seabed Minerals Authority
Runanga Takere Moana

The Authority (Copy)

The Authority

The Seabed Minerals Authority (Authority) is the key regulator of seabed minerals (SBM) activities under the Cook Islands jurisdiction. The Authority administers the Seabed Minerals Act 2019 (Act) on behalf of the Cook Islands Government.

Our Functions

  • To effectively implement the objectives and authority of the SBM Act

  • To regulate SBM activities under CI jurisdiction via monitoring and enforcing actions in non-compliant situations

  • Undertake due diligence in respect of applicants for licences

  • Assist the work of the Licensing Panel

  • Develop policies, standards, and guidelines for the purpose of regulating and monitoring the development of the Cook Islands SBM sector

  • Advise the Minister responsible for Seabed Minerals

  • Co-operate with other government agencies who have a role or interest pertaining to the SBM of the Cook Islands.

Our Vision

“Transforming the Cook Islands through the sustainable extraction of seabed minerals, for the benefit of our Cook Islands people”

Meet the Team


Alex Herman


The Commissioner overlooks and manages the day-to-day proceedings of the Authority. Responsible for the implementation of the SBM Act and regulatory framework, based on government policies, in cooperation with other ministries, agencies and legislation, including Marae Moana.

Kaitini Herman

executive assistant

To provide effective and efficient secretariat advice and support to the Commissioner, contributing to the successful delivery of the Commissioner’s functions.

This role also supports the financial, administration and communications objectives of the Agency to contribute to the providing efficient and effective administrative, financial and communication services.


Derek Johnson

licensing & compliance DIRECTOR

To lead, manage and oversee the strategic direction and operations of the Licensing and Compliance Division by providing oversight in the delivery of targeted programs, standards and compliance guidelines are developed, and in the effective delivery of outputs for the Authority.

Latisha Maui-Mataora

Senior LicensING & compliance officer

The position will provide support to licensing and compliance development, review and policy of the Authority


Teara Henderson

LicensING & compliance officer

The position will provide support to licensing and compliance development, review and policy of the Authority

John Parianos

technical director

To support the development of the seabed minerals sector through providing technical advice and support, and building the institutional capacity of the Technical Division.


Rima Browne


Supports the development of the seabed minerals sector through provision of sound technical advice to the Technical Director. Contributes to technical meetings and presentations. Produces and administers project concept notes, project design documents and work plans. Responsible for management and security of seabed minerals data and provision of geographic information system services to the Authority.  

Tanga Morris


Supports the development of the seabed minerals sector through provision of sound technical advice to the Technical Director. Contributes to technical meetings and presentations. Produces and administers project concept notes, project design documents and work plans. Responsible for management and security of seabed minerals data and provision of geographic information system services to the Authority.  


Dede Mingi


Provides communications support to the Authority. Responsible for the implementation of the Authority’s Communications plan through the development of various media content for distribution via social media, website, etc.


Last updated: 28 February 2023