Cook Islands Seabed Minerals Authority
Runanga Takere Moana
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  • 2024 SIDS Conference: International Seabed Authority Side Event “Leveraging SIDS knowledge, technology, innovation and capacity to advance the deep-sea research for the benefit of humanity.” - St. John’s Antigua and Barbuda | Monday 27 May 2024

    • Keynote address by Honourable Prime Minister Mark Brown - here

  • 9th Our Oceans Conference 2024 High-Level Segment with Heads of States - Athens, Greece, 16 April 2024

    • Address by Honourable Prime Minister Mark Brown - here

  • 9th Our Oceans Conference 2024 Side Event: Coastal resilience in the climate crisis: Supporting solutions for small island developing states - Athens, Greece, 16 April 2024

    • Address by Honourable Prime Minister Mark Brown - here

  • 9th Our Oceans Conference 2024 Waitt Institute and the Office of the Pacific Ocean Commissioner Side Event - Athens, Greece, 15 April 2024

    • Remarks by Honourable Prime Minister Mark Brown - here

  • International Seabed Authority Side Event at the UN Ocean Decade Conference 2024 - Barcelona, Spain, 12 April 2024

    • Opening Remarks by Honourable Prime Minister Mark Brown - here

  • South Pacific Community - Office of the Pacific Ocean Commissioner Side Event at the UN Ocean Decade Conference 2024 - Barcelona, Spain, 11 April 2024

    • Opening Remarks by Honourable Prime Minister Mark Brown - here

  • 2024 UN Ocean Decade Conference High-Level Opening Segment - Barcelona, Spain, 10 April 2024

    • Opening Remarks by the Honourable Prime Minister Mark Brown - here

  • Address by Prime Minister Honourable Mark Brown on the Seabed Minerals Amendment Bill 2024 Parliament - Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 19 February 2024

    • Delivered by Cook Islands Prime Minister, Honourable Mark Brown - here

  • 78th UNGA High-Level Side Event: Launch of a Global Call to Action for Accelerating Sustainable Development through Deep-Sea Research, Technology Development and Innovations - United Nations Headquarters, New York, 19 September 2023

    • Keynote address by Cook Islands Prime Minister, Honourable Mark Brown - here

  • 28th Session of the International Seabed Authority - Kingston, Jamaica - 26 July 2023

    • General Statement by Cook Islands Prime Minister, Honourable Mark Brown - here

  • Joint statement delivered at the 28th International Seabed Authority Assembly Session (26 July 2023) on behalf of Australia, Cook Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, New Zealand, Palau, the Kingdom of Tonga and Vanuatu - 26 July 2023

    • Joint Pacific Statement delivered by Ms. Alex Herman - here

  • Fifth P-SIDS Regional Training and Capacity Development workshop organised in the context of the Abyssal Initiative for Blue Growth - Nuku’alofa, Tonga - 20 June 2023

    • Introductory Remarks by Cook Islands Prime Minister, Honourable Mark Brown - here

  • High-Level Panel Segment: Charting a course for responsible and sustainable management responsible of seabed minerals of the Blue Pacific Continent - Nuku’alofa, Tonga - 20 June 2023

    • Delivered by Honourable Mark Brown, Cook Islands Prime Minister - here

  • Moana Minerals Blessing & Naming Ceremony of the Research Vessel Anuanua Moana - 02 March 2023

    • Address by the Honourable Mark Brown, Prime Minister and Minister for Seabed Minerals - here

  • UNOC Ensuring the stewardship of seabed mineral resources and the protection of the marine environment of the Area for the benefit of humankind Altice Arena, Interactive Dialogue Room - Lisbon, Portugal - 29 June 2022

    • Commission of the Seabed Minerals Authority Ms. Alex Herman - here

  • UNOC Fostering international and regional cooperation in support of the sustainable development of the blue economy of LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS Hotel Olissippo Oriente, Room Pequim B - Lisbon, Portugal - 29 June 2022

    • Commissioner of the Seabed Minerals Authority Ms. Alex Herman - here

  • World Oceans Day - 8 June 2022

    • Prime Minister Honourable Mark Brown - here

  • Exploration Licence Granting Ceremony - 23 February 2022

    • Prime Minister & Minister for Seabed Minerals Honourable Mark Brown - here

    • Commissioner of the Seabed Minerals Authority Ms. Alexandrya Herman - here

    • Chair of the Seabed Minerals Licensing Panel Mr. Garth Henderson - here

    • Chair of the Seabed Minerals Advisory Committee Bishop Tutai Pere - here

  • Third United Nations Conference on the Law of Sea - Caracas, Venezuela - 29 July 1974

    • Statement by Honourable Premier Sir Albert Henry - here

 Last Updated: 20 February 2024