powerpoint presentations
Testing of mining components during exploration - Patania II: a case study
Dr Samantha Smith, Global Sea Resources: 28 July 2021, Virtual presentation
Eusenio Fatialofa, Cook Islands Investment Corporation Seabed Resources: 27 July 2021, Muri Beach Club Hotel, Rarotonga
Rima Browne, Cook Islands Seabed Minerals Authority: 27 July 2021, Muri Beach Club Hotel, Rarotonga
Cobalt Conference 2021: 18 May 2021, Virtual presentation
SBM Amendment Bill 2020: 23 June 2020, New Hope Church, Rarotonga
Cost benefit analysis of mining deep-sea minerals in the Pacific Island region - Prepared by Cardno for the Pacific Community
Feasibility Study on Manganese Nodules recovery in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone - Agarwal. B, Hu. P, Placidi. M, Santo. H, Shou. J. J
Summary report on the Japan/SOPAC cooperative deep-sea mineral resources study programme, four R/V Hakurei-Maru no.2 cruises, for polymetalic manganese nodules, the EEZ of the Cook Islands - Nobuyuki Okamoto, SOPAC Secretariat
Minerals for Climate action: The mineral intensity of the clean energy transition - World Bank Group
Cost benefit analysis of mining deep-sea minerals in the Pacific Island region - Prepared by Cardno for the Pacific Community
Feasibility Study on Manganese Nodules recovery in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone - Agarwal. B, Hu. P, Placidi. M, Santo. H, Shou. J. J
Research Publications
Cook Islands Seabed Minerals “a precautionary approach to mining” - McCormack. G
The Cook Islands (South Pacific) experience in governance of seabed manganese nodule mining - Petterson. G. M, Tawake. A
Deep Sea Minerals: Manganese Nodules, a physical, biological, environmental and technical review - Clark. M, Heydon. R, Hein. R. J, Smith. S, Smith. C, Petersen. S, Baker. E, Beaudoin. Y.
Deep Sea Minerals: Sea-Floor Massive Sulphides, a physical, biological, environmental and technical review - Clark. M, DEsbruyeres. D, Fischer. C, Haydon. R, Hein. J, Peterson. S, Rowden. A, Smith. S, Baker. E, Beaudoin. Y
Deep Sea Minerals: Cobalt-rich Ferromanganese Crusts, a physical, biological, environmental and technical review - Clark. M, Heydon. R, Hein. R. J, Smith. S, Smith. C, Petersen. S, Baker. E, Beaudoin. Y.
Deep Sea Minerals: Summary Highlights - The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC Division), through the European-Union funded Deep Sea Minerals Project.
Deep Sea Minerals: Deep Sea Minerals and the Green Economy - Baker. E, Beaudoin. Y, Bice. S, Burns. L, Dumas. D, Feenan. J, Hanley. N, Hoagland. P, Holland. P, Jobstvogt. N, Lily. H, Lodge. M, Roberts. J, Solgaard. A, Symonds. P, Roche. C, Tawake. A.
Critical metals in manganese nodules from the Cook Islands EEZ, abundances and distributions - Hein. J. H, Spinardi. F, Okamoto. N, Mizell. K, Thorburn. D, Tawake. A.
Towards the development of a national regulatory framework for deep sea mining in the Cook Islands - Lynch. P
Last Updated: 27 August 2021