Cook Islands Seabed Minerals Authority
Runanga Takere Moana

News & Press Releases


You can read all the latest news and updates on the Cook Islands seabed minerals sector here.

Government sees seabed mining as economic game-changer

Cook Islands government has revealed that it sees greater economic potential in seabed mining, which has fuelled concerns from the Opposition.

The deep-sea mining for polymetallic nodules rich in cobalt, copper, nickel and manganese has the potential to transform the country’s earning to “much, much greater levels”, says Prime Minister Mark Brown.

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Letter: ‘Beware of false prophets’

Dear Editor, Deep sea mining (DSM) is a controversial topic in our country at present.

We have Government and their supporters claiming through paid advertisements in this paper, social media posts, radio personalities paid by DSM companies, and so much more that everything is as it should be as they push forward without any thought of an alternative … that we MUST pursue this pathway if their paid scientists tell us, it will be okay. 

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Thomas Wynne: Addressing concerns and protecting our interests

To address potential concerns and further strengthen the protection of the Cook Islands’ interests, I have emailed the Seabed Minerals Authority (SBMA) the following additions or amendments to the draft seabed mining regulations.

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Cook Islands passes historic first law for minerals harvesting management

After four years of development and two rounds of public consultations, the Seabed Minerals (Minerals Harvesting and Other Mining) Regulations 2024 (MH Regulations) have now been passed. 

The adoption of these regulations is a crucial step in establishing a comprehensive legal framework, providing all stakeholders with clarity and certainty regarding the Cook Islands' legal regime for seabed minerals governance, and are administered by the Seabed Minerals Authority (SBMA).

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Letter: A call for political reform

Dear Editor, In an interview gathering exercise for a BBC podcast on seabed mining (SBM) over a week ago, I mentioned that we have disproportionate representation i.e. my one vote is worth about 10 Raro votes. You can see why government makes sure to buddy buddy with the pa enua.

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Licensee anticipates delay in seabed exploration research

Delays in the seabed minerals exploration and research are expected due to opposition and the efficiency of the regulatory system, says one of the three deep sea mining companies exploring the Cook Islands seabed.

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