Cook Islands Seabed Minerals Authority
Runanga Takere Moana

News & Press Releases


You can read all the latest news and updates on the Cook Islands seabed minerals sector here.

Posts tagged Marine Research
Robot doesn’t destroy seabed habitat

A foreign company has proposed to bring in a robot to harvest the seabed, write Tailia Mika.

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Licensee anticipates delay in seabed exploration research

Delays in the seabed minerals exploration and research are expected due to opposition and the efficiency of the regulatory system, says one of the three deep sea mining companies exploring the Cook Islands seabed.

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Cook Islands ‘deepens seabed mining knowledge’ from UMC

Cook Islands is set to gain a deeper understanding of seabed mining through expert discussions and knowledge sharing at the 52nd Underwater Minerals Conference held at the National Auditorium.

According to its technical chair, John C. Wiltshire, the goal of the conference, which has brought about 250 scientists from across the world, is to help Cook Islands gain more knowledge on seabed mining.

The four-day conference that ends tomorrow is the world’s largest gathering of ocean mineral stakeholders.

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Cook Islands deep sea mining poll sparks controversy

An online opinion poll on deep sea mining has been criticised by the government regulator responsible for overseeing seabed minerals activities in the Cook Islands as “fundamentally flawed”.

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