Cook Islands Seabed Minerals Authority
Runanga Takere Moana

Licensing Process

exploration licensing 20-22

The signing of three SBM exploration licences with companies CIC, CIIC Seabed Resources, and Moana Minerals took place on the 23 February 2022 at the Exploration Licence Granting Ceremony in Rarotonga Cook Islands.

Over the next five years, exploration activities will include surveying and mapping the seafloor, collecting geological and biological samples, and conducting environmental baseline studies. The Cook Islands will be able to make science-based decisions about future seabed mineral activities thanks to exploration research.

Under the terms of an exploration license, no minerals will be commercially harvested.

“We will continue to proceed using the precautionary approach, taking actions based on the best available science, to manage our seabed minerals resources and the protection of our biodiversity” - Prime Minister Brown.

Notice of Applications

Information on applications for exploration licenses in the 20/21 Licensing Process can be viewed here: EA20/21

Public Comments

View submissions from the public here.


Find out more about the Cook Islands 20/21 Exploration Tender Launch here.