Cook Islands Seabed Minerals Authority
Runanga Takere Moana

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SBMA and NES Inspectors ensure Compliance onboard MV Anuanua Moana

Last month was a major step forward for the Seabed Minerals Authority (SBMA) and the National Environment Service’s (NES) collaboration on monitoring and enforcement activities, which took place onboard MV Anuanua Moana.

For the first time, both SBMA and NES placed Inspectors onboard a vessel with Knowledge Management Director Dr. John Parianos and NES Officials Hugh Henry and Junior Tapoki servings as authorised SBMA Inspectors.

Inspectors are our eyes and ears at sea. They help SBMA meet our regulatory functions and ensure that Licence Holders undertake their exploration activities properly, safely, lawfully and with due regard to the environment.

Henry accompanied Parianos on the first leg of the expedition, while Tapoki provided his expertise onboard the second leg.

It’s fantastic to share this experience with talented young Cook Islanders.

The collaboration from both our agencies really shows that this is an important journey for the Cook Islands and that responsibility is being taken to ensure that Licence Holders are monitored and held accountable for any breaches with Cook Islands law, their licence conditions and their approved work plans.” Said Parianos. 

Furthermore, this provided Henry with an incredible learning opportunity that allowed him to gain insights into Moana Minerals work plan.

Henry stated “My experience onboard the Anuanua Moana Expedition was marked by a mix of triumphs and hurdles”.

He further added “Although I was an Inspector onboard I was given many opportunities to interact with the crew and to handle the various types of equipment making my experience that more enjoyable.” 

Tapoki, already a seasoned sea traveller on SBM research vessels, brought his expertise to the second part of the voyage.

Tapoki explained “My experience was truly captivating as I witnessed the diverse range of equipment utilised for retrieving nodules for research purposes”.

I have gained a comprehensive understanding of Moana Mineral’s operational methods in achieving their research objectives.” said Tapoki.

The combined efforts and achievements of SBMA and NES highlighted the commitment of both agencies to the sustainable management of seabed resources.

Dede Mingi