Cook Islands Seabed Minerals Authority
Runanga Takere Moana

News & Press Releases


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Government closer to announcement on seabed minerals exploration

The Cook Islands Government is moving forward with a process to potentially issue exploratory licenses to companies interested in mining the ocean floor as international conservationists, diplomats, and scientists call for a moratorium on all deep sea mining activities.

GOVERNMENT is in the final stages of assessing four applications for explorartory licenses by companies that have expressed interest in polymetallic nodule resources within the nation’s exclusive economic zone.

Seabed Minerals Authority (SBMA) Commissioner Alex Herman said government is currently in the “due diligence phase” of assessing the four applications. “Due diligence is one of the critical steps of the process, as it is where the Authority determines whether the applicant is an appropriate company to operate in Cook Islands waters,” Herman wrote to CI News in an email.

Herman has not given a specific timeline on when assessments will be completed, but has said an announcement could be made this month.

Government has yet to announce to the public which companies have submitted applications.

Once government reveals details on which companies have applied for exploration licenses, the public will have one month to submit comments to the authority on the four applications.

“Due diligence is one of the critical steps of the process, as it is where the Authority determines whether the applicant is an appropriate company to operate in Cook Islands waters,” Herman wrote to CI News in an email

Dede Mingi